Skeeter Brooks
on February 4, 2020
"I Love OSGOGO & Want To Do My Part To Keep It Alive, Free & Ad Free!"
Donate Any Amount, Even $1, It Helps! Please Consider A Monthly Donation!!!

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OldSchoolGoGo Staff
Is that China Boogie?
Like February 4, 2020
Skeeter Brooks
I have always known the brother (r) as Cleo. When we last saw each other he was referred to as Money Man. He, Terry (L) and I were in the Young Dillingers band.
Like February 4, 2020
Skeeter Brooks
Yes I am a former Dillinger. They were not only a crew at the GoGo. They had a band too. We would play before the Pump Blenders back in the day.
Like February 4, 2020
OldSchoolGoGo Staff
We thought so! Thanks for hitting us back, and thank you for your support Skeeter!!! BTW, you wouldn't happen to have any Young Dillingers shows would you? If so, please share them on the site. Old School GoGo Staff
Like February 4, 2020