OldSchoolGoGo Staff
on January 31, 2021
"I Love OSGOGO & Want To Do My Part To Keep It Alive, Free & Ad Free!"
Donate Any Amount, Even $1, It Helps! Please Consider A Monthly Donation!!!

***OSGOGO Contest Jingle Is Live Now! Win $1,000.00 Free GoGoPoster Merchandise!!!
The Contest Starts February 15th, But You Can Enter Now!***
Click the following link for the OldSchoolGoGo Jingle & Contest Details!
We're having a contest to see who can recreate the most creative visual to the OldSchoolGoGo Jingle. The winners will be determined by a combination number of likes vs the amount of views it receives!
***The winner of the contest will receive the following.***
1. $1,000 In Free Merchandise to the 1st place winner!
2. $500 In Free Merchandise to the 2nd place winner!
3. $100 In Free Merchandise to the 3rd place winner!
4. Top 10 videos will be listed on OldSchoolGoGo.com & AdsOnTheRun.com
5. The Music Recording Network will be reacting to the top 10 to 30 winners, while also reacting to the top runners during the contest!
6. The first 100 winners will be 1st to be listed on the New AOR Ride The Wave page.
Click the following link for the OldSchoolGoGo Jingle & Contest Details!
Thank you all for your continued Support!!!
Old School GoGo StaffoGo Staff
Dimension: 320 x 455
File Size: 198.11 Kb
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