Here My list of 10 underrated congo player.
10. oh la la Tony from EU
9.Gadget from Pump Blender
8.Fragie Rock from Shady Groove
7.Loose Booty from Peacemaker... View MoreHere My list of 10 underrated congo player.
10. oh la la Tony from EU
9.Gadget from Pump Blender
8.Fragie Rock from Shady Groove
7.Loose Booty from Peacemaker
6.Shorty Dud from Am & Fm
5.Tee Bone from Trouble Funk
4.Little Beat from Redd and the Boys
3. Skintight, Go &Go Billy and Heartbeat from Petworth Band
2.Howdy Doody from Prophecy Band
1.Spankie from Class Band/Walker Redd from Reality band
There other like Peety from JYB Greg from Lil Benny &the Master, Clipper from Physical Wunder, Lil Boogie from Pleasure/Precis Band Sequan from Huck n Buck
Wally from Pure Elegance these true great conga player and they had great show one time or another but still didn't get the recognize there skills!